The Egyptians believed that thoughts came from
the heart not the brain.
Boys and girls would play with dolls, tops,
and wooden animals.
Some children had a pet monkey or gazelles.
A cat was a popular pet and was considered sacred. They would put gold earrings
on them.
The Egyptians enjoyed music, dancing, story
telling and poetry.
A lot of household objects were invented back
then that we have today like the lock, the key, combs, scissors, wigs, make-up,
toothbrushes and toothpaste.
The Egyptians would wear make-up but not for
beauty but for protection from the sun.
The Egyptians would use the scarab beatle as
a symbol for survival.
When an Egyptian died if they had a pet that
pet would also be mummified and placed with their owner.
The Egyptians did not celebrate birthdays.
When a pet cat would die the owner would shave
their eyebrows off and mourn until they grew back.
They believed that bees were the tears of Ra.
They were the first to use pigeons for messengers.
The Egyptians would shave most of their hair
off their body so that they would not attarct insects and lice.
Pharaohs never let their hair show.
They believed that the Earth was flat and round