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The most popular pyramid in Giza is The Great Pyramid of Giza which holds the pharoah Khufu

Giza is the site for three of the many pyramid tombs that the Ancient Egyptians made for Kings.
Some of the pyramids are up to 480 ft. tall. Royal activity started with Kheops (the 2nd king of the 4th Dynasty). and would be continued by his son Khefren, and his grandson Mykerinos the last family member of the 2nd dynasty . The most famous is the Giza Plateau. It holds many of the ancient Egyptians artifacts and wall drawings. Giza also has the Sphinx that guards the Great Pyramid. There are three miniture pyramids in front of Giza.

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The Pyramid of Khafre is the second largest pyramid found in Giza next to his father Khufu.

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