Osiris and Isis

Isis is the Goddess of protection and she used magical spells to help people in need. She is the mother of Horus.

Osiris is the God of the underworld and the father of Horus.


1. Osiris married Isis and his brother Set(h) the god of  evil was jealous.
Set(h) cut Osiris into 1000 pieces and hid them in the Nile thinking Isis wouldn't care.
 Isis went and dove into the Nile and found the pieces came out and breathed life
into her husband. Then Horus the son of Osiris and Isis found Set(h) and defeated
 him, then became the God of all Gods.

The second story is the evil Set(h) tricked his brother into sitting in a closed box. Osiris
went into the box. Set(h) then threw him in the Nile and left him there to die. Osiris
drowned. Isis then dove into the Nile, found the box and took it onto dry land.She then
 breathed life into him. Horus then defeated Set(h).

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